Update: Back to hard coded HTML, better scaling on mobile devices
Name | Half steps (Semitones) |
Example | Shortcut | Enharmonic (same interval, different name) |
perfect unison | 0 | C - C | P1, 1 | diminished second |
minor second | 1 | C - Db | m2, 2b | augmented unison |
major second | 2 | C - D | M2, 2 | diminished third |
minor third | 3 | C - Eb | m3, 3b | augmented second |
major third | 4 | C - E | M3, 3 | diminished fourth |
perfect fourth | 5 | C - F | P4, 4 | augmented third |
diminished fifth (tritone) | 6 | C - Gb | d5, 5b | augmented fourth, diminished fifth, "blue note" |
perfect fifth | 7 | C - G | P5, 5 | diminished sixth |
minor sixth | 8 | C - Ab | m6, 6b | augmented fifth |
major sixth | 9 | C - A | M6, 6 | diminished seventh |
minor seventh | 10 | C - Bb | m7, 7b | augmented sixth |
major seventh | 11 | C - B | M7, 7 | diminished octave |
perfect octave | 12 | C - C | P8, 8 | augmented seventh |
For those who are interested in php scripting:
There are many great scale and chord generators on the net. But this one is a bit different - it has special Blues extras like overlay of pentatonic scales, highlighting of Blue notes, slide mode or special tunings often used in Blues.
If you miss a chord, scale or tuning or find an error please email me!
The fretboard scheme is generated as an image using php. Scales and chords are stored as arrays containing the intervals. With an array containing all notes and an array containing the string notes all scale or chord positions on the fretboard are calculated and written as dot or note name.