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pxm -"Dorean 12"

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:55 am
by pxm
12 bar Dorean guitarblues in Dm,
4/4 and the tempo of 142 bmp.


Slightly anĀ“neat reharmonized.
An choose a the right time to listen
cause it might call for a liitle bit of
concentration but its hopefully not
hard to listen at. I kept it very
naked and simple.

And Dorean scale has that
wonderful soundscape wich fits
the blues very fine. Thats the classic
choise of scale to use in a minor blues.

This song works just fine even if its
just 2 lonely guitartrax togheter
in the mix..

The Dorean scale is the common scale
in jazzblues an blues and 4 example
I wanna mention The Great John
Coltranes famous 12 bar blues "Mr.PC"
that also is a Dorean blues, but in C
. :bb:

Put the Dorean scale, just like the
Mixlydian scale into your
"Jackys bag of trix". Its a traditional
and useful bluesrecipie for the scale
to minor blues and to jazzblues

67348852_2448929141797074_459644522389831680_n.jpg (43.87 KiB) Viewed 11606 times

Dorean 12.mp3 - (8.85 MiB)

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