Reharmonization; Substitutions - Secondary Dominants. (Backcykling.)

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Reharmonization; Substitutions - Secondary Dominants. (Backcykling.)

Post by pxm »

Dom7, "Bluessevenths" R important
in both jazz and blues to get the

The Paralell-Dominants to the C
maj chordscale; :cool:

I ii iii IV V vi vii
Cmaj7 Dmin7 Emin7 Fmaj7 G7 Amin7 Bmin7b5
G7 A7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F#7
V / I V / ii V / iii V / IV V / V V/ vi V / vii

This will be all U need for ex."backcykling"
the turnaround. Thats a very common thing
to do in Jazzblues. The formula is 5-1-4
etc, etc.


by Paxom, 2020.
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